February 27, 2020
Sweetheart Dance at Franklin CDC!
By Valerie Kelly & Jackielyn De La Cruz

On February 21st, 2020 Franklin CDC held the 3rd Annual Sweetheart Dance. We were fortunate to have so much support for this event! We partnered with Franklin Elementary’s PTA who provided a snack bar and sister center, Elk Grove, CDC also helped make this possible.
The staff held a Random Acts of Kindness Raffle, which was made possible by the generous donations of our teachers and leaders. Families were invited to donate toiletry items in exchange for a raffle ticket. The toiletries included soap, shampoo, toothbrushes, mouthwash and other supplies that will be donated to a local community shelter.

Site Supervisor, Amber Llacuna, was the DJ for the event! Assistant Site Supervisor, Tamara O’ Callaghan, and former Kinder Teacher for Franklin CDC, spent the evening dancing with her former students. The evening was completed by appearances from our PD (Program Director), Erin Ellsworth and Senior PD, Shayla Williams-Barnes! .

These fun-filled community events allow us to bring together our staff, students, families and partners. Staff and families are excited for what next year’s event will bring!
Baskets were donated by the following staff:
Franklin Staff- Leilani Lim, Stacie Kesler, Alreeze Pablo, Jennifer Tong, Maria Triggs, Kristen Sambuca, Desiree Zarco
Site Supervisor- Jackielyn De La Cruz, Program Director- Erin Ellsworth, Senior Program Director- Shayla Williams-Barnes