Subsidized Programs

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    At Catalyst Kids, we believe in providing responsive services for communities, families, & children. Offering programs that are accessible is at the heart of what we do. Many our centers offer California state-subsidized Infant/Toddler, Preschool, Before & Afterschool, and migrant childcare programs.

We Are Here to Help

It is our goal to be supportive of all families; including parents who are in school, foster families, homeless families, and those working or seeking employment.

We welcome all children and families into our programs, knowing that diversity creates beauty, interest, and strength.

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Income Eligibility Details

You will need to apply for subsidized enrollment at the center of your choice. To find your closest center, please visit our locations page.

  1. Contact your local enrollment team. Let them know that you would like to apply for subsidized care.
  2. Work with staff on submitting the following paperwork to determine eligibility:
    • Family income information
    • Family need status (working, going to school, seeking employment/seeking permanent housing and parental incapacitation)
    • Documentation of family size (children’s record of birth, anything showing relationship of child to enrolling parent)
    • Documentation family resides in California
  3. You will be able to follow-up on your application with your Enrollment Team Member.

Additional Information

For families who qualify for Subsidized childcare services, family fees are waived for the 2023-2024 fiscal year. Please note that as of 7/1/2023 the Family Income Ceilings have been updated for 2023-2024 for all program types.

For more information on the requirements, please see REVISED STATE MEDIAN INCOME (SMI) CEILINGS AND INCOME RANKING TABLE FOR FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2024-25, CDE/CDSS.

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Not ready to enroll? Submit an inquiry.